Conditioned to “need it all”

Conditioned to “need it all”

When sharing our stories in class and reminiscing over similar childhood memories involving our consumption habits our group found a trend amongst our past histories. This trend resonated from a common feeling that as children whenever new trends came about and we found ourselves faced with fads taking over the playground, and popular brand name snacks dominating the lunch room we “had to have it”. While not all of us were always able to afford or participate in these fads the pull we felt to be included was no less evident.

The desire to be active consumers followed many of us into our teen and early adult years. And, as many of us obtained jobs and started to have a steady more expendable income we were able to participate in the world of shopping more regularly, falling victim yet again to trends as fads, such as UGG boots and North face jackets.

When you look at the facts and consider the amount of marketing towards children today it comes as no surprise that they are being conditioned to be avid consumers. In the Us there are over 57 million school age kids who spend over $100 billion a year on products. Children are marketed for items such as sweets, food, drinks, video electronics, toys, games, movies, sports and so much more. They influence family spending as well as being able to contribute more than $11 billion of their own money each year. Companies from all facets are aiming their ads towards children, for example, “companies such as Nissan sponsor the American Youth Soccer Organization and a traveling geography exhibit in order to get exposure for their brand name and logo in child friendly settings.” Children are being marketed from cradle to grave to develop brand loyalty, and it has without a doubt made the impact intended.

You can still have fun without a brand name.

All it take is a little creativity


However, many kids still fall victim to “tantrums” such as these, as the need for new things rears its ugly head.. (Interesting blog i found about a mother who is concerned about companies targeting her son through marketing)

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